Clomiphene Clomid Adverse Side Effects Part Three
This is part three of a series,
Click Here for Part One
Click Here for Part Two
The off-label use of clomiphene tablets in young males to relieve
symptoms of low testosterone is becoming more popular because it
preserves fertility, and is less expensive and more convenient than
testosterone injections. Best results are obtained in males of child
bearing ages (30 – 50 yrs of age) with hypothalamic dysfunction, (ie.
low FSH/LH, and good testicular reserve which can respond to FSH/LH
stimulation) Before starting clomiphene, the patient should be
conversant with the adverse effects of treatment.
Above left image: Retina of the left eye shows retinal vein
occlusion resulting in hemorrhages and exudates marked by Green Arrows,
courtesy of wikimedia commons.
Review of the Medical Literature on Adverse Effects of Clomiphene
Dr Viola from Capetown South Africa reviewed the medical literature
on common adverse effects of clomiphene treatment, mostly in women. She
found 35 articles on the topic and published her report in 2011. She
found that blurred visual and other visual effects were most commonly
reported about 1.5% of the time.(1)
“Visual adverse events with the use
of CC in clinical studies was reported as 1.5%. These include blurred
vision, photophobia, diplopia, scotomata, phosphenes and
Dr. Viola also reported on central retinal vein occlusion as an adverse effect of clomipene.(1)
Central Retinal Vein Occlusion in a Male
Although a number of reports of retinal vein occlusion have been
reported in women using clomiphene (Clomid) as a fertility treatment to
induce ovulation, only one is reported in a 35 year old male undergoing
fertility treatment with Clomiphene. This male patient had an
underlying inherited thrombophilia, with Factor V Leiden and MTHFR
polymorphism.(2) His retinal vein occlusion, due to thrombosis of the
vein, was treated with Plavix (clopidogrel) with recovery. Dr Politou
suggests young men should be screened for Factor V Leiden before
starting Clomiphene.
Visual Disturbances-Blurred Vision
Dr. Purvin from Methodist Hospital in Indiana reported on visual
disturbances from Clomiphene in three women undergoing fertility
treatment for 4-12 months.(9)
” All three patients experienced prolonged afterimages (palinopsia), shimmering of the peripheral field, and photophobia while undergoing treatment with clomiphene.
The results of the neuro-ophthalmologic examination and
electrophysiologic studies were normal in all three patients. Unlike
previously reported cases, visual symptoms did not resolve on cessation of treatment. Patients remain symptomatic from 2 to 7 years after discontinuing treatment with the medication.”(9)
“The most common side-effect is without question blurred vision; while this may be a problem for some Clomid users it will dissipate once use is discontinued. “(9)
One case of bilateral uveitis (inflammation of the eye) was described
in a 30 year old female on clomiphene.(8) One case of elevated liver
enzymes was reported (7)
Psychotic Reaction
In women undergoing fertility treatment with prolonged high dose
Clomiphene, various central nervous system adverse effects have been
reported including induction of psychosis, nervousness, sleeplessness,
headaches, visual disturbances, vertigo.(3,4,5)
Psychological Effects on Mood
In a 2005, large self-reported survey of women on Clomiphene and HMG
adverse psychological effects were reported including, Irritability,
mood swings, and feeling down.(6)
Estrogen and HyperCoagulable State
Most adverse effects of clomiphene are reported for female fertility
treatment using high dose Clomiphene. I would speculate that most of the
adverse effects are due to high estrogen levels known to cause
hypercoagulable state.(10,11)
Anastrazole to Keep Estrogen Levels Low and Prevent Hypercoagulation.
Adverse effects from off-label use of clomiphene is less commonly
reported in the medical literature in males than in females, possibly
because of the lower dosage used. Females dosage is 50-200 mg per day, while for males, we use the lower dosage of 12.5 mg every other day up to 25 mg per day.
Estrogen and Hypercoagulable State
For female patients undergoing fertility treatment to induce
ovulation, elevated estrogen is part of the desired outcome. Estrogen
levels may rise by a factor of one hundred (100 times higher than
pre-treatment levels), inducing a hypercoagulable state.(10,11) Quite
the opposite in males, clomiphene induced elevated estrogen is an
undesirable side effect, preventable with an aromatase inhibitor
In males, central retinal vein occlusion with underlying inherited
thrombophila mutation has been reported.(2) The authors say the causal
mechanism is unknown. I would differ, and suggest the cause is high
estrogen induced by clomiphene stimulation. High estrogen causes a
hypercoagulable state.(10,11) An aromatase inhibitor (anastrazole)
prevents the high estrogen level, and therefore prevent the rare
thrombotic complication, such as the retinal vein occlusion in the
inherited thrombophilia male patient. (2) I would suggest a prudent
practice would be to use an aromatase inhibitor with the clomiphene.
Articles with Related Interest:
This is part three of a series, Click Here for Part One, Click Here for Part Two
Testosterone Replacement Beneficial for Diabetes
Testosterone Replacement Diagnosis and Treatement
Low Testosterone Diagnosis and Treatment
HCG in Males with Low Testosterone
Testosterone Benefits, PSA and Prostate Part One
Testosterone and PSA Part Two
Hormone Disruption From Pain Pills
Testosterone Reduces Mortality
Increased Mortality from Testosterone Blockade
Links and References:
Retinal Vein Occlusion and other visual disturbances
Gynecol Obstet Invest 2011;71:73–76 Fulltext PDF (120 Kb)
Review Association between Clomiphene Citrate and Visual Disturbances
with Special Emphasis on Central Retinal Vein Occlusion: A Review
Viola M.I.a · Meyer D.b · Kruger T. Department of Obstetrics and
Gynecology, Reproductive Medicine Unit, Stellenbosch University and
Vincent Pallotti Hospital, Cape Town,bDivision of Ophthalmology,
Stellenbosch University, Tygerberg, South Africa
To determine whether clomiphene citrate (CC) can be implicated as a
cause for central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) and other visual
For this systematic review, we performed a search of the following
databases: PubMed (1976 to November 2009), Medline Plus 2009, Cochrane
Library (1996 to November 2009), Google and Google Scholar (1996 to
November 2009).
Thirty-five relevant titles (25 full papers and 10 abstracts)
were identified and read by authors. No review has been published in
the literature. The publications included describe adverse effects with
clomid and selective estrogen receptor modulators and in particular
visual disturbances. The population consisted of infertility patients under ovulation induction with CC. The main outcome measures were loss of vision due to CRVO and other visual changes.
RESULTS: CC may predispose to CRVO, but further trials are clearly needed in this area.
CONCLUSION:Physicians should be aware of the potential risk of CC,
especially in patients with associated risk factors for CRVO. If visual
disturbances occur, therapy should be terminated and the patient
referred for specialist ophthalmic care.
Retinal vein occlusion is due to thrombosis of retinal veins
(central, hemi or branch) and has been associated with cardiovascular
risk factors [2] . However, the pathogenesis and management of this
disorder remains somewhat
of an enigma [3] . It is a complication not commonly seen by the
gynecologists, but they should be aware of the condition in fertility
patients undergoing ovulation induction with clomiphene citrate (CC).
Other CC adverse effects are [4–6] : ovarian enlargement, vasomotor flashes,
nausea, vomiting, breast discomfort, headache, abnormal
vaginal bleeding, visual symptoms, weight gain, shortness of breath;
long term use may increase the risk of ovarian cancer and multiple
pregnancy [7] .
Other less common side effects have been described: acute
pancreatitis without hypertriglyceridemia [8] , myocardial
infarction[9] , hypertriglyceridemia [10] , deep vein thrombosis[11]
, pulmonary embolism [12] .
The incidence of visual adverse events with the use of CC in
clinical studies was reported as 1.5%. These include blurred vision,
photophobia, diplopia, scotomata, phosphenes [6] and periphlebitis [18] .
Another case of CRVO was reported due to CC in a 35-year-old man
treated for infertility. The patient was heterozygous for the factor V
Leiden mutation and the
MTHFR polymorphism, but probably the event was precipitated due to the presence of CC [24] .
Central Retinal Vein Occlusion – Male Factor V leiden carrier
Genet Test Mol Biomarkers. 2009 Apr;13(2):155-7.
Central retinal vein occlusion secondary to clomiphene treatment in a male carrier of factor V Leiden. Politou M, Gialeraki A, Merkouri E, Travlou A, Baltatzis S.
Abstract We report a case of a 35-year-old previously healthy man
treated with clomiphene for infertility, who presented with blurred
vision in his left eye due to ocular vein occlusion as documented by
fluorescein angiography. The patient was heterozygous for the
factor V Leiden (FV Leiden) mutation and for the 1298 A-C polymorphism
of the methylene-tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene. He
was treated with clopidogrel (plavix) and is now free of symptoms.
Because congenital thrombophilia is a moderate risk factor for central
retinal vein occlusion and the administration of clomiphene may trigger
this process, we recommend screening of young patients for FV Leiden before clomiphene treatment.
Other side effects in Women on Clomid
Psychotic Reaction-
central nervous symptoms (nervousness, sleeplessness, headaches, visual disturbances, vertigo)
Human Reproduction vol.12 no.4 pp.706–707, 1997
Clomiphene citrate as a possible cause of a psychotic reaction during infertility treatment Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, DRK-Kliniken Westend, Berlin, Germany.
Secondary side-effects often occur in women undergoing hormonal
stimulation treatment with clomiphene citrate. In general 10.4% of women
experience hot flushing, 5.5% have complaints caused by enlargement of
the ovaries and 3.5% experience central nervous symptoms (nervousness, sleeplessness, headaches, visual disturbances, vertigo).
During ovarian stimulation with clomiphene citrate for in-vitro
fertilization, a 32 year old patient developed psychotic symptoms,
commencing 3 days after initiation of treatment. Hospitalization
in the psychiatric ward became necessary when severe formal and
rational thought disturbances arose together with perceptory and sensory
delusions. Under neuroleptic treatment the symptoms improved.
Nevertheless, follow-up psychiatric care on an outpatient basis was
deemed necessary. The infertility treatment was continued with human
menopausal gonadotrophin stimulation. Psychiatric instability occurred
neither at this point nor during the 2 year follow-up observation
period. Both an exogenous psychosis (ICD F23.9) as well as the
exacerbation of an endogenous psychosis (ICD F29) may be considered for
the differential diagnosis. The stimulation with clomiphene citrate in
connection with the physical and psychic stress of the infertility
therapy can be regarded as the trigger factor. For patients with
evidence of psychiatric illness in their case history, ovulation-inducing substances such as clomiphene citrate should be implemented with particular care.
Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 1990 Jun 15;115(24):936-9.
[Psychotic illness during treatment with clomifen].
[Article in German] Kapfhammer HP, Messer T, Hoff P.
psychiatrische Klinik und Poliklinik, Universität München.
Psychotic illness recurred in a 25-year-old manic-depressive woman
during anti-infertility treatment with clomiphene citrate. The symptoms
of this episode (disturbance of consciousness, psychomotoric
abnormalities, paranoid-hallucinatory syndrome with transient
neurological dysfunctions) differed significantly from previous
and subsequent psychotic patterns. No organic cause other than
treatment with clomiphene could be discovered despite intensive
diagnostic efforts. The pathogenetic role of clomiphene is supported by comparable findings in certain post-partum psychoses. Women with a history of psychiatric disorders are especially at risk.
Can Med Assoc J. 1982 January 15; 126(2): 118.
Clomiphene citrate as a possible cause of psychosis.
F. E. Cashman and R. Sheppard
J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol. 2005 Jun;26(2):93-100.
Psychological side-effects of clomiphene citrate and
human menopausal gonadotrophin. Choi SH, Shapiro H, Robinson GE, Irvine
J, Neuman J, Rosen B, Murphy J, Stewart D. Women’s Health Program,
University Health Network, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
This study evaluated the psychological side-effects of clomiphene citrate (CC) and hMG in women undergoing fertility treatment.
METHOD: This study was a cross-sectional, self-report survey of 454 women
at various stages of treatment for infertility. At the time of study,
139 women had not taken fertility drugs and 315 women had taken one or
more cycles of CC or hMG. All subjects were asked to complete the
State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). Women taking CC or hMG were also
asked to complete a self-administered questionnaire on the side-effects
of their medications.
RESULT(S): In the CC group (n = 162) and hMG group (n = 153), 77.8% (126 of 162) and 94.8% (145 of 153) reported at least one side-effect, respectively. Irritability, mood swings, feeling down, and bloating
had high frequencies in both CC and hMG groups, with a higher mean
number of side effects reported in the hMG group (4.4 +/- 3.7 for the CC
group and 6.8 +/- 3.7 for the hMG group, p < 0.001). There was no
significant difference among the CC, hMG and no medication groups for
mean state and trait anxiety scores. However, there were significant
differences among the three side-effect groups (those who reported 1 to
4, 5 to 7, and more than 7 side-effects) for the mean scores of state
(df = 2, F = 8.7, p < 0.001) and trait (df = 2, F = 11.9, p <
0.001) anxiety in women taking fertility drugs.
CONCLUSION(S): Women taking CC or hMG reported high frequencies of
psychological side-effects, and should be advised of these before
Elevated LFT’s
J Reprod Med. 2007 May;52(5):437-8.
Transaminitis after treatment with clomiphene citrate: a case report.
Mitchell C, Gottlieb L. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
University of Washington, Box 356460, Seattle, WA 98195-6460, USA.
Clomiphene citrate is widely used to induce ovulation in infertile women
with anovulation. The manufacturer reports transaminitis as a possible
side effect, but no case reports were found on a literature search.
A 30-year-old, Somali woman, gravida 3, para 1021, was referred for
evaluation after trying unsuccessfully to conceive for 19 months. She
was diagnosed with unexplained infertility and prescribed clomiphene
citrate for ovulation induction. The patient took the medication in 2
consecutive cycles and each time developed intense right upper quadrant
pain. During the second episode she presented to the emergency room with
transaminitis. Acute and chronic viral hepatitis were
ruled out, and she had not ingested any other medications; ultimately,
no other etiology was discovered. The transaminitis resolved over 2
months and, in the absence of further treatment with clomiphene citrate,
did not recur.
Transaminitis is a rare complication of treatment
with clomiphene citrate. Liver function testing is warranted in patients
with new-onset right upper quadrant pain after starting treatment with
clomiphene citrate.
Ocul Immunol Inflamm. 2008 Jan-Feb;16(1):23-4.
Bilateral anterior uveitis associated with clomiphene
citrate.Myers TD, Fraunfelder FW. Source Casey Eye Institute, 3375 SW
Terwilliger Blvd, Portland, OR 97239-4197, USA.
To report a case of bilateral anterior uveitis associated with
ovulation induction therapy using clomiphene
citrate.DESIGN:Retrospective case review.A single patient who developed
uveitis while taking clomiphene citrate is described.
RESULTS:A 30-year-old woman with polycystic ovary syndrome developed
bilateral anterior uveitis during ovulation induction therapy. Results
of laboratory studies were normal and the patient was treated with
topical therapy. Upon rechallenge with clomiphene 3 months later, she
again developed bilateral anterior uveitis.
CONCLUSIONS:Ovulation induction therapy with clomiphene citrate may precipitate uveitis.
Visual Disturbances
Arch Ophthalmol. 1995 Apr;113(4):482-4.
Visual disturbance secondary to clomiphene citrate. Purvin VA. Source Midwest Eye Institute, Methodist Hospital of Indiana, Indianapolis, USA.
To identify a distinctive constellation of persistent visual abnormalities secondary to treatment with clomiphene citrate.
DESIGN: Description of the clinical findings in three patients with visual disturbance secondary to clomiphene treatment.
SETTING: A neuro-ophthalmology referral center.
PATIENTS: Three women aged 32 to 36 years treated for infertility with clomiphene for 4 to 15 months.
RESULTS: All three patients experienced prolonged afterimages (palinopsia), shimmering of the peripheral field, and photophobia while undergoing treatment with clomiphene.
The results of the neuro-ophthalmologic examination and
electrophysiologic studies were normal in all three patients. Unlike
previously reported cases, visual symptoms did not resolve on cessation of treatment. Patients remain symptomatic from 2 to 7 years after discontinuing treatment with the medication.
CONCLUSIONS: Treatment with clomiphene can cause prolonged visual disturbance.
Patients who develop such symptoms should be advised that continued
administration may cause irreversible changes. Women with characteristic
visual symptoms should be questioned about past use of clomiphene.
The most common side-effect is without question blurred vision;
while this may be a problem for some Clomid users it will dissipate
once use is discontinued. Beyond vision some may experience hot flashes
or even abdominal discomfort but both are extremely rare as these
negative effects will occur in less than 1% of those who use Clomid.
Hum Reprod. 1991 Aug;6(7):925-7.
Does ovarian stimulation for in-vitro fertilization induce a hypercoagulable state?
Aune B, Høie KE, Oian P, Holst N, Osterud B.
Source Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Tromsø, Norway.
Effects on blood coagulation and fibrinolytic activity during ovarian
stimulation for in-vitro fertilization (IVF) were examined in 12 women.
Blood samples were taken prior to hormonal stimulation (days 2-3 of the
menstrual cycle, mean serum oestradiol concentration 0.16 nmol/l) and
the day after ovulation induction with human chorionic gonadotrophin
(HCG) (days 10-12, mean serum oestradiol concentration 5.35 nmol/l).
We measured whole blood clotting time, whole blood clot lysis time,
plasma fibrinogen, factor VII and antithrombin III. The whole blood
clotting time was slightly, but not significantly shortened after
ovarian stimulation. A significant rise in plasma fibrinogen (P less
than 0.001) and reduction in antithrombin III (P less than 0.001) were
observed, whereas no change in factor VII was found. The blood
fibrinolytic activity was significantly reduced as evaluated by an
increase in the clot lysis time (P less than 0.02). These results indicate that ovarian stimulation for IVF may create a state of hypercoagulability.
100-fold rise in estradiol from fertility treatment increases
Thromb Res. 2009 September; 124(4): 505–507.
The effect of high circulating estradiol levels on thrombin generation during in vitro fertilization
Kathleen E. Brummel-Ziedins,*‡ Matthew Gissel,* Charles Francis,† John
Queenan,# and Kenneth G. Mann** Department of Biochemistry, University
of Vermont, Colchester, VT, USA† Department of Medicine, University of
Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY,
12) Image of Central Retinal Vein Occlusion
English: Color fundus photograph of the left eye shows occlusion of
the superotemporal branch of retinal vein resulting in intraretinal
hemorrhages and retinal exudates in the corresponding sector of retina.
Date 14 August 2012
Source License : ,
Picture :
Author Ku C Yong, Tan A Kah, Yeap T Ghee, Lim C Siang and Mae-Lynn C
Bastion, Department of Ophthalmology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Medical Centre (UKMMC) and Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia.
Jeffrey Dach MD
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