37. SSRI Antidepressants Are No Better Than Placebo, Says JAMA
Getting Off SSRI Anti-Depressant Drugs
Left Image: Sad Face Icon, courtesy of Tango Desktop Project and Wikimedia Commons
A study published in JAMA on Jan 5, 2010 reported
that SSRI antidepressants are no better than placebo for most cases of
depression.(1) The authors reviewed 30 years of data and concluded that:
"the benefit of antidepressant medication
compared with placebo may be minimal or nonexistent in patients with mild or
moderate symptoms".
Of course, this is old news, and reminds me of the famous scene in 1942 film, Casablanca starring Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman where the game is always rigged. When Rick asks, “why is the casino being closed down”? The French Captain replies with the famous line: " I am Shocked, Shocked ... to find gambling here....Here are your winnings... Oh thank you." You must see the video clip on You Tube. (12)
Better than Placebo for Severe Depression
I should add that the study found SSRI antidepressants work better than placebo for severe depression. This is not surprising, since virtually any psycho-stimulant can be found useful for the most severely depressed patient.
Is Depression Really a Medical Disease?
Medically speaking, the term "Depression" is a vague constellation of feelings and symptoms scored by a questionnaire called the Hamilton Depression Score. There are a number of handy on-line tools for taking the Hamilton Depression Score Questionnaire. For the short 17-item version of the Hamilton questionnaire, scores can range from 0 to 54. Hamilton scores between 0 and 6 are normal. Scores between 7 and 17 indicate mild depression, scores between 18 and 24 indicate moderate depression, and scores over 24 indicate severe depression. According to the Jan 5 JAMA study, if the Hamilton score is less than 24, then placebo is just as effective as SSRI antidepressant drugs. That means the SSRI drug is as effective as a sugar pill called a placebo.
Hamilton Depression Score Questions (short version): |
Mood |
Are you sad, hopeless, helpless, worthless? |
Feeling of Guilt |
you have feelings of guilt, or self reproach? |
Suicide |
Do you have Suicide ideas, gestures or attempts? |
Insomnia |
Do you have difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep? |
Work and Activities |
Do you have thoughts and feelings of fatigue or weakness? related to activities, or decreased or stopped activities or working because of present illness? |
Slowness |
Do you have Slowness of thought and speech; Do you have difficulty concentrating; slow movements? |
Do you have Fidgeting, Playing with hands, hair, etc, Moving about, can't sit still. Hand ringing, nail biting, hair-pulling, biting of lips etc? |
Do you have tension and irritability, Worrying, Apprehension, Fears expressed? |
Do you have dry mouth, wind, indigestion, diarrhea, cramps, belching. - Cardio-vascular : palpitations, headaches. hyperventilation, sighing. Urinary frequency - Sweating? |
Do you have loss of appetite, require laxatives or medication for bowels, or medication for gastro-intestinal symptoms? |
Do you have Heaviness in limbs, back or head? Backaches, headache, muscle aches. Loss of energy and fatigability? |
Do you have loss of libido, menstrual disturbances? |
Do you have preoccupation with your health? |
Do you have weight loss from depression? |
or denies being depressed ? |
Overlapping Symptoms- Is it Really Depression?
As is obvious, many of these feelings or symptoms are somewhat subjective and rather vague, so depression scoring is not an exact science and can be manipulated according to the agenda of the research or questioner. As you can see, many of these Hamilton symptoms overlap with real medical diseases. For example, inflammatory bowel disease patients would score positive for the GI symptoms even though they may not be clinically "depressed". Somatic symptoms of fatigue and muscle pain may overlap with fibromyalgia and hypothyroid symptoms. Slowness of thought and speech could overlap with a low thyroid condition or a neurological disorder such as B12 deficiency. Patients in chronic severe pain contemplating suicide may not necessarily indicate clinical "depression". Obviously, these patients need pain relief rather than an SSRI antidepressant.
Hormonal Imbalance Symptoms Overlap with Many of the Hamilton Symptoms
Many women with hormonal imbalance related to pre-menopause or post menopausal transitions will have mood disorders and symptoms which overlap with many of the symptoms on the Hamilton Depression Score. For example, estrogen deficiency is a well known cause of anxiety, a symptom listed on Hamilton Depression Score. However, it would be a mistake to treat a woman with estrogen deficiency with an SSRI antidepressant.
The syndrome Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder is commonly treated by mainstream physicians with SSRI antidepressants. (39) This is an error, and a practice that should be halted. These patients would be best served by treating them with progesterone, the hormone missing in this disorder. With the Jan 5, 2010 JAMA article, we now have evidence that Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder and other common forms of hormonal imbalance are poorly served by SSRI antidepressants. Using SSRI's is simply the wrong way. The benefit of SSRI antidepressants for this group is the same as the benefit from placebo. Rather than give them SSRI antidepressants, this group of women with PMS, estrogen deficiency or progesterone deficiency should be properly evaluated, and then treated with bioidentical hormones to address their underlying problem. We have noted considerable success using cyclic natural progesterone in this group of women with PMS and other hormonal imbalances. In my opinion, natural progesterone is a far better form of treatment with none of the adverse side effects associated with SSRI antidepressants.
Adverse Side Effects of Antidepressants - Placebos Have NONE
When SSRI antidepressants are found equally effective compared to placebo, the next question relates to adverse side effects. By definition, placebos have no adverse side effects. However, this is not true for SSRI antidepressants which have the following adverse effects: Sexual dysfunction, weight gain and sleep disturbance are the most troubling adverse effects of SSRI anti-depressant therapy.(42-44) The most common side effects associated with SSRI antidepressants are nausea, headache, nervousness, insomnia and sexual dysfunction. When I examine these patients in my office, they usually demonstrate dilated pupils and hyperactive reflexes. The long term SSRI users may have irreversible neurological changes, and many are simply “burned out” from chronic over-stimulation of the nervous system.
SSRI Antidepressants and Suicide Risk
Another troubling adverse effect of SSRI antidepressants is increased suicide first reported by Teicher in 1990.(40) According to David Healy’s book, “Let Them Eat Prozac”, the original clinical trial data was manipulated by moving the suicide cases from the treatment arm over to the placebo arm of the study.(41) This manipulated data was then submitted to the FDA who conveniently looked the other way. This disturbing information was presented at a Cornell University Mar 25, 2009 talk by David Healy which can be seen on a You Tube video.(42)
The Army and Military Suicide from SSRIs Antidepressant Use
Another striking finding is the unprecedented increased suicide rate in the military with widespread use of SSRI's and other psycho active drugs in the Army. Again this is a rather sad commentary, and another nail in the coffin for SSRI drugs as more harmful than helpful.(34-36)
For references and links, see my web site:
References for Chapter 37. SSRI Antidepressants No Better Than Placebo Says JAMA
Antidepressant Drug Effects and Depression Severity A Patient-Level
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Initial Severity and Antidepressant Benefits: February 26, 2008 A Meta-Analysis
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(3) Depression treatment: We need better not simply more Getting more people into treatment for depression is not enough . Psychology Today. January 5, 2010
(4) New York Times. Popular Drugs May Help Only Severe Depression By BENEDICT CAREY. January 5, 2010
Wall Street Journal . Jan 6, 2010.Effectiveness of Antidepressants Varies
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On-Line Hamilton rating scale for depression 17 questions
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online HMD questionaire - quick score for depression - classic printable
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Author: Dr Dach
Jeffrey Dach MD